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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord

The Easter Story (Week 3)
Week 1 here Week 2 here The Resurrection Read the story here . Or, read from an age-appropriate children’s Bible storybook. Story Props: ...

The Easter Story (Week 2)
Jesus Prays In The Garden - For this series of Easter lessons, continue to use the Resurrection Eggs that are appropriate to the story. Some

The Easter Story (Week 1)
Read from the Bible here (choose a gospel account) about Jesus entering Jerusalem. Read here, here, or here about the last supper.

Baby Moses
Baby Moses
Read the story in the bible here. Or, read the story from an age-appropriate children’s Bible storybook.

Joseph Saves His Family
Read the story from the Bible here. Or, read the story from a children’s Bible storybook appropriate to the age of your listeners.

Pharaoh's Dreams
This children's lesson continues the story of Joseph in Egypt from Genesis 41.

Joseph's Dreams
Use these images from to tell the story of Joseph and his dreams (please read the terms of download). Images courtesy o

Jacob and Esau
When Isaac grew up, he got married to Rebekah. God told Isaac the same promises he had told Abraham—-he would have a very large family, he w

Then the Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives and your father’s family. Go to the land I will show you.
I will make you a

The Tower of Babel
At this time the whole world spoke one language. Everyone used the same words. As people moved from the East, they found a plain in the land

Noah and the Flood
Noah was a good man, and he walked with God. Do you know what that means? Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Adam & Eve
Let’s see what’s in our Bible story box today. (Open the box and let each child pull a figure or printed picture from the box pertaining to
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