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Covenants: New Covenant
Following God's covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, we can see His faithfulness through the Old Testament. However, often repeat

Covenants: David
Yahweh established a covenant with King David, known as the Davidic Covenant, in which the "house" of David would continually reign over God

Covenants: Moses
The book of Exodus opens with Israel in the land of Egypt. Israel greatly increases in number and becomes mighty (Ex. 1:1-9). As the story u

Covenants: Abraham
The covenant with Abraham marks a transition in Genesis of God's redemption. The Bible story narrows down and focuses on one person, Abraham

Covenants: Noah
From the fall in (Gen. 3), the story of the Bible takes a downward turn. From the first murder where Cain kills his brother Abel (Gen. 4), t

Covenants: Introduction
Various types of covenants are used in the Bible. Covenants between people, a person and God, or a group of people with God, such as the Isr
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