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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord

Finishing The Race
Join us as we consider what it means to run with endurance, fix our eyes on Jesus, and find strength from those who have gone before us. We'

Faith That Acts
Explore Hebrews 11:23-29 and the faith of Moses, who chose the path of God over the riches of Egypt. We unpack how Moses’ faith led him thr

Faith Looks Forward
Even as their lives were winding down, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph looked forward to God’s promises. They didn’t just cling to what they had in

Faith Chooses God's Wisdom
God tested Abraham, having him offer his only son (Isaac) as a sacrifice (11:17). What do we do with this? How are we to understand this? Wh

The Tension of Faith
We are all familiar with the frustration of waiting. I think about how much I get frustrated with waiting, whether in traffic, in line for f

Faith That Follows
Throughout the Scriptures, Abraham is known for his faith in God. What do we learn about faith that pleases God from his story?

Building Faith
Hebrews 11 is not a random collection of people but a portrait of people who trusted God's promises, like Noah. These were not perfect peopl

The Meaning of Faith
Today, we will explore Abel and Enoch's accounts. These two men didn't just know about faith; they walked it. Faith is more than just a beli

Understanding Faith
At the heart of Hebrews is a call to perseverance—a challenge to remain faithful even when things get tough. This leads us to Hebrews 11

What Is Biblical Faith?
Faith is a cornerstone of the Christian life. We talk about it. However, most of us, myself included, struggle with defining it. Faith and u
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