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Writer's picturesteve ellis


As we gather around the table of the Lord, we are reminded of the profound unity we share in Christ. The bread we break and the cup we drink symbolize a greater reality: the body of Christ, broken for us, and His blood, shed for our forgiveness. This meal draws us together, not just as individuals, but as one body united in His love.

Jesus willingly laid down His life so that we might have eternal life. When we take the bread, we remember that His body was broken for us. He took our place, bearing the punishment that we deserved. When we drink the cup, we remember that His blood was shed to establish a new covenant, one of grace and mercy that cleanses us from all sin.

This table is not just a reminder of His sacrifice but a celebration of His victory. Through His death and resurrection, we are made new, given hope, and invited into fellowship with the Father. As we partake of this meal, let us examine our hearts and come humbly, knowing that Christ’s invitation to the table is extended to all who trust in Him.

So, as we eat and drink today, let us give thanks—thankful for His love, thankful for His grace, and thankful that in Him we have life everlasting.

“Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

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