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How To: Children's Bible Lessons

These children’s Bible lessons were designed to use in small groups either at church or home and are intended to use with ages two through elementary age. There are four components to these lessons.

The Lesson—These have been written for a short children’s lesson during worship and are told very simply. Feel free to adjust the storytelling level for the age of the children you are teaching. If you are using these lessons in a home setting, the story can be read straight from the Bible or from a children’s Bible if you like.

Bible Box—At the beginning of each lesson, children will be invited to reach into a box and get an object that goes with the lesson. Suggestions for items are made in each lesson so that you may use what is available. If you do not have an object, a picture printed from the internet will work as well. You may choose to have enough for each child or take turns being the helper to retrieve the item. Use whatever box suits your needs.

Bible Story Bags—After the Bible lesson, each child will be given a gallon zip-top bag with items inside pertaining to the lesson to take back to their seat. Some of these activities can keep little hands busy during worship while others are for home. To indicate a “for home” activity, simply place the at-home activities inside a paper lunch bag and staple shut. Draw a simple house shape on the outside of the sack. Options for the Bible Story Bags are listed in each lesson. It is good to include something hands-on for worship, a coloring sheet, something for older children, and a take-home activity. Sharing the link to our online lesson here at simplyRevised will give parents access to even more activities to choose from.

Collectible Bible Cards—Each week, the children will be given a collectible card with the lesson title and picture on it. These will be laminated, and hole punched in the top corner. On the first week, give each child a card with a metal ring attached. Parents can help them add each week’s card to the ring. This will make reviewing the lessons at home an easy task, and children will enjoy looking back at the cards they have collected.

The lessons, whether used for worship time or at home, are intended to be an introduction to the character or story. Follow-up throughout the week is important. Parents should be encouraged to read the story from the Bible or children’s Bible often throughout the week, do the at-home craft with their child, and review the Collectible Bible cards.

We hope these lessons will be a blessing to your family and your churches.

-Steve and Brenda


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