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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord

305 Renew Your Mind
In this episode of The SimplyRevised Podcast, we explore Romans 12:1-2 and the transformative power of renewing our minds. Real and lasting

304 Fresh Start
Join us as we explore the transformative power of being in Christ, as described by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17–21. Paul highlights the realit

303: The Power of Faith
Join us as we welcome Andy and Robin Wilson. Faith has been the cornerstone of their journey through life and business.

288: Turf Talk - Where Lawn Care Meets Faith
Welcome to The Simply Revised Podcast, a podcast designed to encourage, equip, grow, and strengthen our faith in the Lord. In this episode,

287: Run With Endurance
In today's episode, we discuss National Bible Week as we conclude our series on Hebrews 11 and the "Heros of Faith." Concluding this series,

286: Faith That Acts
Now, we reach Moses, a towering figure in the Old and New Testaments, known for his faith and for leading an entire nation through a series

Finishing The Race
Join us as we consider what it means to run with endurance, fix our eyes on Jesus, and find strength from those who have gone before us. We'

Faith That Acts
Explore Hebrews 11:23-29 and the faith of Moses, who chose the path of God over the riches of Egypt. We unpack how Moses’ faith led him thr

Faith Looks Forward
Even as their lives were winding down, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph looked forward to God’s promises. They didn’t just cling to what they had in

284: Abraham & Faith Tested
Join us as we consider the story of Abraham's faith from Hebrews 11. Discover how Abraham's faith was put to the ultimate test. In this, we

283: The Tension of Faith
In our latest episode, we explore the inspiring story of Sarah from Hebrews 11. Join us as we dive into her journey of faith amidst waiting

Faith Chooses God's Wisdom
God tested Abraham, having him offer his only son (Isaac) as a sacrifice (11:17). What do we do with this? How are we to understand this? Wh
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