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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord

God's Word
Paul writes 2 Timothy to a young leader in the early church, named Timothy, at a time when the church is facing the opposition of false tea

287: Run With Endurance
In today's episode, we discuss National Bible Week as we conclude our series on Hebrews 11 and the "Heros of Faith." Concluding this series,

As the early Christian movement grew, the church began to experience false teachers. These teachers had different claims about Jesus and His

God Who Cares
Following the way of Jesus can lead to friction with our family, neighbors, and friends. Some may not understand why we follow Jesus or why

Shepherd The Flock
Shepherding was a common occupation in the ancient Mediterranean world. It was one in which shepherds were responsible for protecting and ca

Hope For Today
1 Peter is written to Christians experiencing trials and difficulties. Peter is writing to encourage and strengthen their faith. In our last

Abraham's Family
We are beginning a new series as we explore the letter of 1 Peter together. 1 Peter is a circular letter. It was written to churches that we

It was early in the morning following the Sabbath Day when several women came to the tomb of Jesus. They brought spices that they had prepar

The Garden of Gethsemane
It would have been late at night after the conclusion of the Passover Meal when Jesus got up from the table and headed over to the Mount of

On the night Jesus was betrayed, he shared a meal with his disciples. Jesus came to Jerusalem as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, called Passo

Baby Moses
Baby Moses
Read the story in the bible here. Or, read the story from an age-appropriate children’s Bible storybook.
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